How To Turn boringness into Passion

Remove these 3 people from life to become a positive thinker


 "Stay on the brink of anything that creates you glad you're alive" - Hafez
A commonest natural tendency of a person's being is to adopt those thoughts into our mind which we hear most frequently . 
We just like to believe these topics, we attempt to engage ourselves more into this thinking process.
And this is often why you ought to avoid some toxic people to become a positive thinker for entire life.

Because a toxic person always wants you to think more on these what/how they think, this often leads you to become a pessimist (negative thinker).

Yet, it's harder to vary your mindset when it got shaped as a negative mind. Your mind is then crammed with filled with negative thoughts.
And negative thoughts always lead you to carry a pessimistic mindset.

A little thing I’ll share from my personal experience :

A few years back from now i used to be completely a negative person with filled with pessimistic thoughts. i used to be a touch insecure, scared to speak with others and a totally negative person.

That time I even have never realised for a flash how negative i used to be , then I didn’t even believe that.
But as I even have started involved with more people, friends then once I’ve considered how they will laugh, talk freely with others what I couldn’t. 

That day’s thought has brought a serious become me. I’ve realised some friends around me were negative from their mind, those negative discussions with them were grabbing me a day , and each day slowly i used to be getting more into that.
So, then I made my decision to bring mindfulness. 

Believe me or not but since I’ve started avoiding some toxic people(negative people) in my life from then I’ve felt the changes into my personality. 
Now I attempt to think positive more and more optimistic than earlier me.

The first important step you ought to take is hamper the amount of toxic people from life.

Do you know your mind mostly adopt those happening around you and therefore the people you're staying with?

So to urge an honest mindset,

Remove these 3 people from life to become a positive thinker 
People with bad behaviour 

Can you bare if someone behaves badly with you in-front of others? Or someone just criticises you once you are chatting with a gaggle of friends?

Of course not, right? You shouldn’t though.

So what do you have to neutralize this case?

You should simply avoid them. 

A lot of criticises can demotivate you or feel you down, can discourage you on the way of your journey.
So, avoid these people first who attempt to do this .


If you would like to become a positive person first of all a positive mindset is important . And to carry a positive mindset the foremost important thing is to surround yourself with positive people.

So, remove all those people with negative thoughts from your life. 

These are the people that always think negative and not only think they also scared from most of the items .

All pessimist are toxic, they wanna attempt to shape your mind as like them, and it’s quite common that whom you’re spending your most of the time with you'll probably be like them.
Your mindset gets changed, which directly affects our attitude.

A negative person always holds a negative attitude and to be honest nobody likes an individual with such a negative attitude.

And if you're one with such a pessimistic mindset trying to become a positive thinker then, first of all, attempt to disallow all those with a negative mindset from coming into your zone.

Judgemental people 

A judgemental person always pushes your mentality down by throwing their judgmental comments on your each and everything.

And every time someone judges you, you are feeling down, you doubt on yourself.

This type of individuals is more harmful than those pessimists tough.

If you're a negative person and holding a pessimistic mindset then it’s harder for you to defeat them by your words.

So, it’s always better to avoid them the maximum amount as possible. Avoid spending time with them, even you'll feel far better if you spent quite time alone. 
It's better if you spent some quality time.

Benefits of being a positive thinker?

And that is why we should always be a positive thinker. 
The biggest advantage of that, you'll enjoy every little moment of your life fully.
You can laugh freely. you'll less bother and happier in your life.
And to be a free soul what more we will expect.

Enjoy your every step of life, be an optimist.
here is a piece of writing for you to be happy

Over to you

We all person are anyhow more or less obsessed whenever , but don’t you think that we should always enjoy every moment the maximum amount as we can?
And an excellent optimistic attitude can assist you tons to try to to that.

It’s your life you've got to settle on what you favor .

Thanks for reading 
