How To Turn boringness into Passion

Powerful ways to spend more quality time together - Ebitoke Blog

Have you ever thought to spent more quality time together with your family, friend or together with your Loved ones?

Many people also think as same as such as you think, but they don’t get enough time to spend it more with anyone else.

It’s maybe our present lifestyle, which is changing our thought.

Sometimes we feel that we should always give some longer to our favourite person, who actually need to spend time with you. 

But due to the pressure of our work or for several unknown reasons we aren't ready to give enough time to our loved one or to our favourite one.

So, you ought to spend it more with them whenever possible.

What is quality time?

Quality time is that the time during which we give our family, friends, partner unbroken attention which keep us more closely and make our relationship stronger.

Sometimes we may have heard that . Maybe you recognize someone who spent more good amount of your time with their family.

According to me in our busy life schedule when there has many work pressure, if you'll spend some amount of time(without worries) alone, that's called quality time for yourself.

In our present lifestyle, we are such a lot hooked in to telephone , laptop or maybe television that once we hung out reception also we don’t talk properly with our relations .

sometimes modern technology liable for that.

I think during spending quality-time there should be no obstacle in between us even not a telephone .

How you'll spend more quality time together with your loved ones?

It means to spend some valuable times together with your partner, where the mobile isn't in our hand. TV is totally switch-off and you're sitting on a settee with watching one another , talking about one another without moving your attention.

Sometimes maybe you're in candlelight dinner with him/her and spending time by talking with one another .

This time you're coming closer to your partner and you'll better realize likes and dislikes of her/him better than anyone else.

Today within the time of recent technology with many social media option available we will make a relationship by some apps or in messages.
With that in our busy schedule, we don’t get enough time to take a seat closer with our partner and not even talk with them.

Maybe it's another big reason why we cannot spend an honest amount of your time with one another nowadays.

I think it's the simplest option for Exchange of our emotions and knowing one another better.

Effect of social media against quality time

Maybe during a busy schedule, we don’t have much time to spend, but as we all know there have plenty of social media options are available in our hand.

Every time we get some free time we just scroll down or get engaged in social media.

 Most of the time even we forget to call our partner, friend or parents due to the developing of social media.

Now we will make a replacement friend in only one minute or new girlfriend or boyfriend easily a day but also the breakup rate has also increased thereupon .

This is another big reason why we forget to spend quality-time more often with the people we love

Some options to spend quality time more together

  • Movie time: it are often an excellent option for you to return closer to every other. 
  • dating: you're going out for dating and knowing one another better.
  • cooking together may be a great option for you. It’s morning breakfast or dinner or during the afternoon for lunch, cooking together sometimes make an honest environment around you and your partner. 
  • go for candlelight dinner: help whenever to understand one another better by discovering things.
  • have a discussion with a cup of can offer you the choice to debate your personal matter with a partner.

Spending time together with your partner is differently to mention hi! to an honest healthy relationship.

There has not just one benefit,
there has plenty of goodies are available a relationship by spending time together.

The advantage of quality time during a relationship
Makes relationship stronger and better 
understanding between partners 
reduce stress level 
To keep yourself happy 
decreases divorce rate 
Both know one another better 
makes a robust bond between two partners 
to make a far better friendship

Now you recognize what it exactly is and the way to spend valuable time together with your partner or friends.

But does one know the explanations which are stopping you against spending time together with your partner?

  • Using a phone during talking

Either it’s your ally or partner most vital to spend your valuable time with none of distractions between you both.

When I leave with my ally most of the time we just ask one another .
But I even have noticed whenever we get to interact with our phone we just cannot consider what we are talking about.

  • Secondly watching TV while talking

While you're reception it’s good to observe TV together, by sitting on a couch and cuddling one another .

But what if you're watching TV while she or he's more interested to speak to you? 

You know what? during this situation, you can't consider TV or either to your partner.

So stop watching TV during a valuable discussion.

Final words 

it’s everybody is meant to spend a tremendous time with their favourite person it’s good for your psychological state so stop posting your billable time and begin spending quality time with them.

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