How To Turn boringness into Passion

Positive Thought of the day to bring confidence into you - Ebitoke Blog

Appreciate the work of the image author of Pixabay
Sometimes we don’t attempt to understand our inner-self or forcefully we just attempt to ditch us. Our likes-dislikes, our choices, favourite colour, favourite frozen dessert flavour all are controlled by someone we love the foremost . 

Even sometimes once we think something about ourselves, our self priorities etc. we may attempt to see these through the vision of the window of our loved ones.

Is this an honest way of thinking? Does it provide positive thought of the day for you? if so then okay, I’m not getting to debate with you.

What i'm trying to mention that each one are okay up to a limit, but when the limit exceeds then know what? we just do the thing forcefully somehow to form them happy and that we start to forget ourselves, we start to forget our favourites, something we love the foremost and check out to prioritise things they love and somehow we regret sometimes by forgetting our likes and dislikes while we prioritise the items they love most.

Have you ever done the same?

Then my friend you would like some motivational thoughts for the inner you.

At the top of the day, you're with yourself, with the inner you and you've got to make a decision what you're keen on the foremost . So, don’t be such a lot dependable on a person where they're going to make all decisions for you. If so then it'll be difficult for you to settle on the great one for yourself.

Here are some points which you ought to confine mind to supply yourself with positive thoughts of the day :

  • Don’t let your dream die to prioritise someone
It’s sort of a baby to you, you're doing diligence to realize it, you're doing what proportion you'll , you're sacrificing your temperature sometimes to only achieve it. 

As the same way parents do for his or her children. 
They sacrifice their temperature only to supply some comfort for the child’s wellness, they struggle hard to form him or her a far better person.

So why you'll just priorities someone else’s dreams quite yours?

Always remember you've got to form your dream come true for the people love you the foremost .

Be an optimist, think positive always because a positive thought for each day can bring you more energy to feed yourself to grow your dream bigger.

  • You work thereon because it’s your dream
You love it, you reside for it which is why you're trying hard to succeed in your goal. 
Except you, Parents and God nobody really cares about your dream. 
So, to form it true just believe yourself, believe God and check out hard to fulfil it.

As you've got planted the tree at the start so you've got to require care of it.

  • You have spent sleepless nights

From the day you've got decided to succeed in your goal, you've got worked hard, many sleepless nights and hours of practices you've got made just to succeed in towards your goal.

May you haven’t slept for countless nights just to enhance you. Maybe sometimes you've got only drunk water while you were hungry. 

All of those just to push yourself towards your goal.

The relationship is secondary, but Your dream is mandatory for you
I’m unsure if you’re during a relationship or not. And seriously I’m not against of it. But your dream is to realize your goal. 

If you'll balance your relationship and work for your goal that’s ok.

But, if your partner isn't supportive and only discourage you against your dream then you've got to form your decision, either your dream to realize your goal or your relationship, which one is more important for you? 
Ask yourself first.

  • Watering regularly is same important as planting the tree is
The success key of a dream is consistency, we've heard that a lot of times but, also after knowing this we don’t keep our consistency sometimes.
Only planting of a tree isn't enough, you've got to water this in scheduled time to stay this growing.

Same formula for your dream, you've got to possess consistency for the dream you're performing on to succeed in towards your goal.

  • Welcome to the criticism and make them jealous by your success
Your heaters are those only people for whom you get to understand that you simply are getting into the proper path and doing well. Always remember successful people have heaters.
People will become jealous once they see your success and check out to criticise you

People do criticise to tug you back from where you're , but once you'll reach your goal, you'll find more well-wishers than your haters.

Nobody knows yourself better than you. 
It’s always good to require support from elders and relations . They always encourage you. And do what your mind and heart say. 

Believe in God and believe yourself

Go ahead

And lastly, if you're keen on to spread the positivity, share this text together with your loved ones.

Thanks for reading this,
